10 Piece Scale Model – Stage Cube Set

The stage cube set is a perfect addition to any scale model set! The stage cubes are perfect for representing

Scale 4 Door Set

Description The 4 piece door set is a great addition to any model set. Doors and windows are essential design

Scale Model – Junior Modular Set 30 pc

This scale model Junior Set is great if you’re working with younger students! Designed to coordinate with Palco Specialties’ Junior

Scale Model – Pylons set of 6


Scale Model Pylons -- 6 pc set

¾ inch = 1 foot scale models are sold in sets and as individual pieces.

Scale Model – Standard Door Unit


¾ inch = 1 foot scale models are sold in sets and as individual pieces.

Scale Model – Standard Window Unit

Standard Window in 8' Flat with a jack. ¾ inch = 1 foot scale models are sold in sets and as individual pieces.

Scale Model – The Super Stage Design Set

The set is a 120 piece set that is perfect for all your designing needs! The set includes a procenium

Scale Model – UIL/TAPPS Basic Set 28 pc


¾ inch = 1 foot scale models are sold in sets and as individual pieces.

Add pieces to this set to make a set more representative of your stock set or wish set.

Scale Model – UIL One Act Play Set Full Set 32 pc

Our 32 PC UIL One Act Play set is a great compilation of your basic design needs. This set is

Scale Model – Florida Junior Thespian One Act Play Set


¾ inch = 1 foot scale models are sold in sets and as individual pieces.

Add pieces to this set to make a set more representative of your stock set or wish set.

Made-To-Order Elements

Special size platforms, ramps, flats and more, made-to-order by your specifications or ask for a little design help. Call for prices. 830-741-5256  210-240-1312